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    车间负压风机负压通风降温设计:us congressmen appeal to twitte

    Twitter is an online social networking service than enables users to send and read short messages of up to 140 characters called “tweets.”


    US Congressmen Appeal to Twitter CEO to Stop Terrorists From Propaganda / Sputnik International
  • 太阳集团

    The Washington, DC-based Brookings Institution found that there about 46,000 currently active ISIL accounts on Twitter.

    "We will be considering our representation in light of our ongoing discussions with Russia, and our concerns about their activity. We don't have plans for the Prime Minister to attend, and I'm sure we will set out who will represent the government in due course," the spokesperson said.

    US Representative Brad Sherman added that this fight against cyber terrorism is similar to a game of whack-a-mole, “the moles being terrorist operatives that pop up here and there online.”

    “Twitter is far behind other social media companies in combatting this threat [terrorism],” Poe said on Thursday. “Twitter needs to do more. It’s time to put a stop to this cyber jihad.”

    It is far better to play the games than ignore the moles altogether, Sherman added.

    Parade on 69th anniversary of victory in Great Patriotic War
    Western Leaders' Snub Won't Dampen Victory Day Festivities - Putin Spokesman
    LONDON (Sputnik) – British Prime Minister David Cameron will not be attending Moscow's annual Victory Day parade on May 9, commemorating the anniversary of the end of World War II, Cameron's spokesperson said Thursday.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Twitter CEO Dick Costolo should make greater efforts to stop terrorists from using his social medium to fundraise, spread propaganda and recruit, US Representative Ted Poe stated in a statement joined by four other Congressmen.


      The leaders of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the United States also declined the invitation, while heads of more than 20 other countries have confirmed their intent to visit Moscow for the celebrations.

      Moscow issued invitations to numerous world leaders, inviting them to attend the parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Nazi Germany's surrender.


      Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks during a lecture meeting at Asahi Shimbun headquarters in Tokyo, Monday, March 9, 2016
      ? AP Photo/ Koji Sasahara
      German Chancellor Merkel to Miss WWII Victory Day Parade in Moscow
      News of Cameron skipping the parade comes a day after a German government spokesman stated that chancellor Angela Merkel would not be attending the celebration due to the situation in Ukraine.


      来源:Sputnik 更新时间:2016-03-13 04:49:37 分类:News 关键词:propaganda,ISIL,Congress,Dick,Costolo,United,States

      US Representative Eliot Engel said that while Twitter has taken down 2,000 accounts already, the move can only be the first step in stopping terrorist organizations like ISIL from gaining a foothold on the web.


        Cameron to Miss Moscow Victory Day Parade - Spokesperson / Sputnik International
      1. 太阳集团

        来源:Sputnik 更新时间:2016-03-12 16:59:50 分类:News 关键词:2016,David,Russia,United,Kingdom

        Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron (L)

        Cameron to Miss Moscow Victory Day Parade - Spokesperson

        ? AP Photo
        (updated 17:24 12.03.2016)
        British Prime Minister David Cameron will not visit Moscow to attend Moscow's annual Victory Day parade on May 9, commemorating the anniversary of the end of World War II, according to Cameron's spokesperson.
        The social network Twitter

        US Congressmen Appeal to Twitter CEO to Stop Terrorists From Propaganda

        ? Sputnik/ Alexander Kryazhev
        (updated 05:11 13.03.2016)
        Several US Congressmen say that Twitter CEO Dick Costolo should make greater efforts to stop terrorists from using his social medium to fundraise, spread propaganda and recruit.

        Relations between the West and Russia have deteriorated over the past year amid the Ukraine crisis. Numerous states have accused Russia of providing military help to militias in Ukraine's southeast. Russia has repeatedly denied involvement in what it considers to be Ukraine's internal crisis.


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